10 October 2012 10 6K Report

Basically, I want to get a segment out from genomic DNA. And put do 2nd PCR to get the product with ECorI and XhoI sites. Because the segment I want to obtain shares homology with another gene, I have to do 2 PCRs to achieve that.

I can get the single sharp band of right size from the 1st PCR. Then cut gel and purify DNA. I used this DNA as a template primer with ECorI ,Xhol sites respectively, to do 2nd PCR. I got smear band around the right size.

10X High Fidelity PCR Buffer 5 µL

10 mM dNTP mixture 1 µL

50 mM MgSO4 2 µL

Primer mix (10 pmol/ul) 1 µL

Template DNA 1 µL

Platinum® Taq High Fidelity 0.2 µL

Water to 50 µL

PCR condition as follow:

94ºC 2 minutes

30 cycles of:

94ºC for 30 seconds

55°C for 30 seconds

68ºC for 2:30minutes (2590pb)

4ºC hold.

Can somebody give me some suggestions?

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