
I have sequencing data of cattle blood plasma and data was BLAST with nr/nt database. In resulting file i counted the number of sequence present in different genus. Further selected three organisms for study; 1. Babesia bigemina 2. Gongylonema pulchrum 3. Wuchereria bancrofti, then assembled the reads of above organisms with genome in CLC platform and extracted only consensus sequences. Performed NCBI BLAST with nr/nt database of extracted consensus sequences.

Result obtained after BLAST showed like 1. Babesia bigemina query length is 2107, it gives 100% query cover and 98% identity with Babesia bigemina; but also 98% query cover and 99% identity between phylum like, bovine, Clostridium botulinum, Ovis canadensis canadensis, Gongylonema pulchrum, Wuchereria bancrofti, Bison bonasus; they cover more than 800-1000 bases. i tried BLASTx, pfam, interpro, BLASTp for finding the annotation of aligned regions in different organisms, but not showing any information for cover sequence. Babesia bigemina showed like hypothetical protein-conserved, in other cases not showing any annotation regions. so, i am trying to find the sequence which highly cover at phylum level, is it domain or conserved part?

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