Mohamed - For any researcher (but most likely to be neophyte researchers) quantity over quality is not a good idea. There is a mistaken belief that quantity impresses - but that is not always the case. If researchers are publishing 'anything, anywhere' - then it could actually be damaging to reputation. Better a single, quality article in an established, reputable journal than several in others. It is far more likely to be read, cited and impact practice. That is what employers are really looking for - rather than numbers of publications. In this scenario - best to accept the limitation that a quality focus on publication(i.e. high impact, high citation) usually equates to decreased outputs - especially as review processes, time-to-publication etc are longer in such journals.
Improvement in innovative thinking is an other solution of increasing quantity of work with out impacting the quality.
When we will introduce an innovation idea or an out of the box solution, there will be less competition and we need less time to study existing work. So we can publish our work with limited resources.
The Other approach is to create a circle of friends having same interests and work in a collaborative environment for high productivity because in Research Project (2+2=5).
In general, researcher should focus on the quality of a paper. This can also result in a lot of impact points, not just a high number of (maybe low quality) papers.
Quality must be the most important, however sometimes our work places or countries have rules that are based on quantity. In such case the best option is to have balance between them.