09 February 2016 2 4K Report

We have been working with some organic solvents lately and noticed a sharp decrease in SERS performance from our gold nanoparticles deposited in an organic solvent such as methanol.

With reference to the graph attached: the top line is 5 ppm Malachite Green Oxalate dissolved in water, the bottom line is 5 ppm Malachite Green Oxalate dissolved in 50/50 water/methanol

As you can see, the SERS performance of the gold nanoparticles decrease significantly when methanol is added. 

We consulted our vendor and this is the explanation given: "Since the nanoparticles are stabilized in an aqueous solutions, the addition of methanol will destabilize it. I think in this case there is too much methanol, so the nanoparticles are over-aggregating, hence the decrease in SERS performance."

I have the following questions: 

  • Why will the nanoparticles over aggregate in organic solvents? Is this specific to my vendor's nanoparticles? 
  • Why would that even matter? How does over aggregation lead to poor SERS performance? 
  • Since methanol is immiscible in water, shouldn't the analyte molecules (Malachite Green) on average have the same average distance to the SERS gold nanoparticles? 
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