I want to simulate rough surface with TMM method
The original code would work and it was:
PropagationDirection = Perpendicular # Default Refractive
NodesPerWavelength = 20
LayerStackExtraction (
WindowName = "L1"
*Medium (...)
WindowName = "L1"
WindowPosition = center
mode=ElementWise # Default RegionWise
) #end TMM
And then I added:
Scattering (
AngularDiscretization = 90
MaxNumberOfIterations = 150
Tolerance = 1e-3
Into the TMM context, but the result would suddenly stop when it start to compute optics, the error is shown below:
Illumination spectrum entry (1 out of 76) parameter values:
Parameter: Wavelength = 0.28 um
Parameter: Intensity = 4.7386361e-10 W*cm^-2
Warning: ComplexRefractiveIndex: Requested wavelength of 0.27999999999999997 um is not within specified range of numerical table.
The value of the complex refractive index has been extrapolated 2 times in region Ebuff
Warning: ComplexRefractiveIndex: Requested wavelength of 0.27999999999999997 um is not within specified range of numerical table.
The value of the complex refractive index has been extrapolated 2 times in region Emitter
Warning: ComplexRefractiveIndex: Requested wavelength of 0.27999999999999997 um is not within specified range of numerical table.
The value of the complex refractive index has been extrapolated 2 times in region BSF
Warning: ComplexRefractiveIndex: Requested wavelength of 0.27999999999999997 um is not within specified range of numerical table.
The value of the complex refractive index has been extrapolated 2 times in region Bbuff
Origin: (0.0000e+00, -2.5000e+01)
XDirection: (1, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00)
Position of starting point: (5.0000e+02, -2.5000e+01, 0.0000e+00)
Direction of extraction line: (-0.0000e+00, 1, 0.0000e+00)
Unlike other fallen simulations I had, it just stopped without reporting an error which make me don't know what to do.
Please help.