I have read in various papers that we can write a Quadratic equation with symmetric matrix as a linear programming problem. For example

f(x)=xTQx+c =2x1^2+3x2^2-1

where Q=[2 0;0 3]; Now we can write


So we can write

A=[I   Hx ; xTHT   −c];

A=[1   0   1.4142x1 ; 0   1   1.7321x2 ; 1.4142x1   1.7321x2    1];

where I is identity matrix and the matrix A is linear in variables of vector x, rather than quadratic. Now determinant of A is exactly equal to the quadratic equation f(x).

But I have some problem in understanding the matrix A.

1) It has three equation. If I want to solve it for x1 and x2, the three equations doesn't hold.

2) How can I calculate the basis for the matrix A in x1 and x2?

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