5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Abu Bakr
I want to know if there is any free simulation tool / benchmark or real data set available to evaluate various algorithms in Distributed data fusion/track-to-track fusion, for e.g Covariance...
16 August 2016 7,320 2 View
My question is related to the computation of correlation coefficient of a block covariance matrix. The correlation coefficient can be computed as: r = cov(X,Y)/std(X) std(Y) But if I have a block...
01 December 2015 8,280 3 View
1) Let us say, I have 2x2 matrices A and B. I have another matrix C which is 4x4 , that is , C=[A X ; XT B]. Where X is the 2x2 covariance matrix between A and B. How can I calculate Correlation...
13 August 2015 693 2 View
I have read in various papers that we can write a Quadratic equation with symmetric matrix as a linear programming problem. For example f(x)=xTQx+c =2x1^2+3x2^2-1where Q=[2 0;0 3]; Now we can...
22 June 2015 9,726 8 View
Suppose I want to find the orthogonal projection of (x1,x2,y1,y2) such that x1=x2, y1=y2. I have to calculate the A matrix whose columns are the basis vectors of given subspace. I choose A=[v1;v2]...
21 May 2015 5,866 2 View