What about the idea of Seed Particles Production and Inborn Setting Adjustment in lab as an experiment?

1.       How particles get formed and designed, what is then to establish inborn characteristics, how particles get seeded and programmed?

2.       What about the “seed particle” concept, is there any seed particle do exists, or seed particle pattern dose exists as in DNA the “seed” sequence and design do exists along controlling mechanism(s)?

3.       Why every time life gets started by two pre-existed live cells? Why same structures are specified for same purpose? Why same design, symmetry, pattern are with same resultants?

4.       What is the difference between Feeding & Seeding of particles?  Is that feeding belongs to growth and functioning and seeding are designing on which particle is doing selection of type of feeding etc?

5.       How first time seeding/designing of particle got occurred and can we produce and induce some seed particle of our choice in to natural system, what can be expected outcome?

6.       Known preliminary particles are the seed particles? What are exactly the seed particles who initially designed for further growth of universe?

7.       How we can get access to Inborn Setting Adjustments?

If concept of seed particle(s) is true then only four know universal forces are not enough to explain every building in universe and SYMPAT (X-factor, the force behind Symmetry & Patterns) is in work regarding Universal Managemental System.

What is your opinion regarding all this?


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