19 Questions 49 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raja N A Khan
1. World Order has shown changes, especially after 2020 in almost all major fields of Politics, Economics, Social, Geopolitical etc. 2. Where the world order in real is diverting? 3. What will be...
29 April 2024 653 3 View
It seems that human is waiting for a New Holy Book...!! 1) As according to every mainstream religion, some Powerholder need to come, But its none clear that how that power holder will govern...
21 October 2023 8,193 1 View
Energy in any shape is only known thing behind every thing in natural systems. Symmetry and none symmetry are the two defined things behind Function of energy at anywhere in any form. Now the...
20 January 2023 9,387 14 View
Dear Fellows, As its known today that Quantum spectrum can give more deep understanding of universe at constituent levels. At current we have Plank constant and Schrodinger equations etc to...
05 October 2021 5,898 3 View
1) What are the differences between Order and Anarchy? 2) Any examples of Anarchy in Universe, Nature and known knowledge? 3) Anarchy also follow some rules? 4) Is Anarchy a part of Order? 5)...
09 April 2021 6,658 3 View
How much biological mass, planet earth can handle accumulatively? What can be sustainable ratio of organic matters vs inorganic matter?
24 May 2020 9,650 4 View
The British colonialism have very deep effect on World, From marketing till Globalization. It were on any name but the responses were very deep. Still Commonwealth countries are facing the effects...
18 May 2019 8,076 4 View
1. Is Humanity Ever Possible Supreme Product in Universe? how and why? 2. What is Humanity?? 3. Perhaps “humanity” is not more than “general comfort zone” of “homo-biological life”, with the...
21 December 2018 5,428 3 View
1. Does Acustic and optics disk exist in universe? 2. If yes then what can be expected shape and formation? 3. Do Electro Magnetic Disks exist in space? 4. If yes then what can be expected shape...
02 December 2018 4,868 3 View
Consciousness and Chaos booth seems to be originated from same source/origin. Both are well patterned and relative with each other as well. If there is no consciousness then there will be chaos...
19 November 2016 7,372 13 View
Is consciousness the sole right & property associated with human brain only ? What are the basics / basic structural unit of consciousness other than neuron ? Does fundamental particles also...
01 October 2016 1,047 23 View
Time Particle Time particles can be those particles which get produce by acquired technology and will be equip with force behind structure, symmetry and patterns, and are responsible for...
12 August 2016 7,396 5 View
Many mysteries and set of behaviors are based on particle and wave functions of energy. Here are few questions which might get raised for more deep down understanding and future applications of...
05 July 2016 6,039 21 View
What will happen if we change the rotational direction and spinning movement of particle to other directions e.g., clockwise, anti clock wise, down, up, forward, behind etc. How such changes can...
23 June 2016 7,292 4 View
In search of particles we have to do wait till particle get some such expression which can come under out calculations and tools, for the purpose often collision of particle technique come in use....
04 June 2016 4,816 3 View
What about the idea of Seed Particles Production and Inborn Setting Adjustment in lab as an experiment? 1. How particles get formed and designed, what is then to establish inborn...
31 May 2016 7,137 1 View
What about the concept of; 1) The particle that can use for transporting the particles with them to another destination and then can release them there. 2) The particle that can charge...
26 May 2016 6,018 3 View
Force behind the symmetry and pattern specifically of stars in space, crystals in molecules and particles in atom is the same, alike wise ?? What is concept of natural geometry ?? Do stars and...
09 April 2016 2,392 15 View
Does nature keep records of its systems, as record keeping is considered a vital part of sustainable work of system-management? If yes, then what are the different kinds of mechanisms that...
12 October 2013 9,484 61 View