01 August 2023 2 368 Report

Does anyone have a recommendation to carry out a post hoc sample size?

The data I used I also used two microscopes same brand, but 1 has a higher resolution, I ensured this was spread throughout my data. I also normalised the control averaged to all my data to mitigate any differences of using diff microscopes & to determine the normal condition data, which is the control group. I know there's a slight difference in variance due to this, which I plan to discuss. But wanted to still conduct the sample size needed.

I have collected some data, but most of it is not significant. I have a low sample size and would like to find a rough sample size needed for the assumption of p>0.05 and perhaps a low SEM for a future study of large-scale quantitative data.

I have used G*power software to find out the effect size d= value with this, I used to determine the (1-beta) power I know that anything less than 0.80 is termed very low if you set it as 80%. My (1-beta) power values are also lower than 0.80, meaning this study has low power.

I now want to determine how to calculate sample size with this information for a larger study. Does anyone have any tips on how to do it or any software I could use OR formulas with the variables I have given?

Thank you :) !!

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