19 August 2015 3 615 Report

Hi, am a final year student doing research on biomarkers for breast cancer, and I used microarrays to find my target genes. After identifying my target genes, I wanted to validate the microarray results using RT-qPCR. Had a few questions regarding the RT-qPCR process.

1. I did duplicates for each patient sample during my RT-qPCR, and rejected any samples where duplicates had Ct values with a difference of more than 1. I then further tried to identify any outliers by constructing a box and whisker plot and rejecting values above or below these thresholds. My question is, when constructing the box and whisker plot, do I construct a box and whisker plot for each data set (breast cancer, patients with family history of breast cancer, normal patients) or do I combine all the data sets together?

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