Respectfully who agrees that reincarnation is highly improbable? How? Why? My answer: Respectfully, I believe reincarnation is highly improbable for many reasons including but not limited to:

0)Eternal salvation for all is the most probable afterlife.

1)The uniqueness of each organism, meaning if everyone and all organisms are unique then they unlikely share spirits.

1.5)Spirits probably individualize each being.

2)The low probability of absolutes, that would govern the reincarnation cycle, besides, the Holy Trinity(one entity in three different unfalsifiable forms which all double as survival heuristics).

3) More specifically, God the Father is reason, logos, the master of the simulation theory, the creator, Yahweh, and the unmoved mover.

4)Jesus, God the Son, is the perfect individual, humanity’s redeemer, everyone’s savior, and the gate keeper to the fourth dimension( ).

5) The Holy Spirit, the moral guidepost, observably vibes, empathy, etc.

6)My sources are available for more explanation.


Book Highly Theoretical Differential Equations of the Afterlife

Code My Current Thoughts on the Afterlife

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