Managing Resistance: Herbicide resistance develops when they are used too often and when the same herbicide or similar herbicides are used over and over again. Reduce the development of herbicide resistance by:
1. Only using herbicides when necessary
2. Using pest tolerant or resistant plant varieties
3. Using cultural controls
4. Using biological controls
5. Monitoring to make sure herbicides are applied at the most effective time
6. Using selective herbicides that break down quickly
7. Only herbicides that have different sites of action
8. Using the recommended application rate
9. Getting complete coverage so all plant parts receive the proper herbicide dose
10. Avoiding use of low rates with marginal pest control
11. If there is more than one generation of weeds, alternate different herbicide groups
12. If the herbicide doesn’t work, do not re-treat with a herbicide in the same group
13. Alternating herbicides or herbicides in different groups