01 January 1970 0 380 Report

Hi Guys, The use of GenAI / LLMs (read ChatGPT / Gemini / co-pilot) in procurement is a dynamic, relevant and interesting research topic!

There is heaps or new academic procurement & SCM literature appearing. And that needs our attention. Please see these three articles as examples: ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence: an exploratory study of key benefits and challenges in operations and supply chain management. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00207543.2023.2294116) And this article: Leveraging AI to Revolutionize Procurement: ChatGPT's Hidden Potential to Transform the Procurement Iceberg. (https://www.puiij.com/index.php/research/article/download/109/81) And, finally this article: The role of artificial intelligence in the procurement process: State of the art and research agenda. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1478409223000079).

Procurement in large organisations is markedly different from procurement in SMEs (say 20 - 100 staff). Additionally, there are several research gaps wrt procurement aspects in such SMEs. Their procurement in these n-tier companies ultimately determine the quality of supplier innovations or sustainable procurement in many large organisations. Anecdotal research suggest room for improvement in SME procurement. However a CIPS / NEVI course, or a Procurement or SCM master may not necessarily be the right answer.

And we know that 50% - 80% of the value and social / environmental impact in supply chains comes from such SMEs.

Developments in GenAI / LLMs happen t a staggering pace, although Gartner suggests we may alreay be iun the through of desillusion. :)

So time to think about ramifications and about some real procurement applications.

Therefore my question is:

Would a PhD project be useful on the use of LLMs to improve procurement in SMEs?

(This would be a 3-year PhD project by publication, with support from academic and industry experts. Would be mixed mode, probably starting with an online Delphi).

Exactly what topic and perspective would be needed, and WHY?

Who would be interested to participate, in any role? Or at least wants to keep updated?

Your contact details and suggestions very much welcome!

Looking forward to a good discussion. Enjoy weekend.

Best regards / nga mihi Dr Anne Staal (him / his)

([email protected])

Auckland University of Technology

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