How does working from home influence individual well-being, work-life conflict,

commitment, and stress?

▪How does working from home produce new inequalities or reproduce or exacerbate existing social inequalities – for instance those of gender, disability, ethnicity or class?

How can greater equality be produced in working from home?

Where do workers choose to develop boundaries between work and home and how is this consistent between new (Covid-19) home-workers and previous analyses?

How do employees deal with the phenomenon of professional isolation?

Which employees show resilience to the negative effects of working at home?

What role do an affinity for technology and technical skills play?

How does the leadership of virtual teams working from home and the coordination of work function?

How do teams find new ways to interact under forced digitalisation?

To what extent are managers attempting to, or successful in, institutionalising new mechanisms and spaces of surveillance?

What are the learning effects from managers’ and teams’ engagement in interactive practices?

What role does support from superiors or corporate culture play in the feasibility of remote work?

What impact does working from home have on established HR practices? How can performance be assessed, what working time arrangements are necessary, how are

employees and careers developed?

What new possibilities for individual resistance are identified amongst remote workers?

How does the organization of collective resistance operate among remote workers?

What consequences does remote work have for the productivity of workers and teams?

Are there ways to design work and workplaces so that they are suitable for remote work?

How are new online routines emerging and how do informal and formal social interactions develop within these routines?

What is the role of contextual factors that are particularly evident in the Covid-19 pandemic,such as increased caring responsibilities or social isolation?

What differences do current studies of the Covid-19 as an extreme situation show in comparison to previous studies?

How do managers and their teams make sense of Covid-19 as an extreme situation and how does their sense-making impact on their work-related involvement?

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