10 September 2020 2 10K Report

When the rats were induced diabetes with the administration of Streptozotocin Section from pancreatic islets and acini shows cytoplasmic vacuolation. Islets are small in size with reduced in the number. When the rats were given the standard Glibenclamide drug, Section from pancreas shows pancreatic acini with mild focal cytoplasmic vacuolation. Islets are reduced in number with few showing small in size. When the rats were given 200 mg extract

Section from pancreas shows normal pancreatic acini. Islets are normal in number with small in size and focal cytoplasmic vacuolation.. When the rats were given 400 mg of extract

Section from pancreas shows normal acini. Islets are normal in size and number with cytoplasmic vacuolation. Blood vessels show congestion. Please explain to me.

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