We are using zymography to look at proteases in skeletal muscle samples. Unfortunately, while the positive controls are working, the samples with muscle extract are not. There are a couple of issues that I could use some help with.

We are homogenizing the tissue in 50 mM Tric-HCl pH 7.5/ 0.25% TX-100, spinning the samples, quantifying protein and then freezing the samples until we are ready to run the gels (both casein and gelatin gels). The positive controls for the gels work, but we are not seeing any signal from our tissue samples. Some of the questions/issues that we could help with include:

1) We are only solubilizing a small percentage of the muscle protein with this extraction protocol and don't see typical protein profiles on Comassie stained gels (egs. MHC, actin, etc). Is there an extraction buffer that will do a better job of solubilizing the protein?

2) We are not including any protease inhibitors in the extraction buffer because it might inhibit enzyme activity on the zymograms. However, these muscles have a lot of proteases and maybe they are degrading some of the enzymes we want to measure. Any recommendations?

3) How much protein do you typically load in a well?

Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.


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