09 September 2019 4 5K Report

Ddear colleagues

I'm performing a statistical analysis of real-time-PCR data by the delta delta ct method. Basically I'm analysing the expression profile of a target gene in non-inoculated (control) and infected samples, at several time points. My approach would be multifactorial anova followed by Fisher's LSD. However, I think that LSD can only be performed if population variances are equal (homogeneity of variance ). I'm using SPSS software and when I do a anova>LSD it also gives me the levene's test for (homogeneity of variance ) (levene's>anova>LSD). In my data the p value is less than 0.05 and the null hypothesis is rejected and therefore, the homogeneity of variance is rejected, and therefore, the LSD can not be applied. Is this so?

I have been reading some papers and in the statistical analysis section, is always referred the anova and LSD but no Levene's test or homogeneity of variance test.

If I know that levene's test fails for homogeneity of variance of my sample, what tests can I apply? Thanks

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