01 January 1970 2 704 Report

Urgent, emergency action must be taken by UN and ICJ.

I have banged my head on every known walls, like many other fellow concerned human beings have been, to get right Action to stop the non-stop Massacres in Gaza. Now arrived to the threshold, entering into Ramadan.

We Muslims fast in Ramadan for Allah and faith, not merely only for blindness and customary. We Muslims do fast, seek blessings for the earth spiritually, maintain regulation teaching of discipline and self control, the promoting positivity to society. Nurturing diet discipline it's enables human being to maintain good health, and strength immunity trains our gut system to cope with and patience on low food amounts and lacking.

There are people, have no food, worse is they are under suffering condition in War zones, injured and in hostile condition. Children,babies and women in natal stages.

I urge, Those people, groups in War zones and past groups in asylum camps shelters, (those didn't go to Terrorism) the victims from War zones of Iraq, Syria and now Gaza, please take them to Eastern Europe. Some to - 1) Spain. 2) Italy. 3) Poland. 4) Chess/Bosnia.

Migration plan is must for for Climate damages and for War victims. Migration plan need to get done to reshuffle world population.

There April fool, marked a Shame stain in our History. April fool needs to be amended and it is now the best situation to act upon to correct past strains.


Fatema Miah

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