What I´m doing now is just isolate the cells form spleen and lymphnodes and select the CD4+ fraction with magnetic beads.
Regarding the cell culture I´m using RPMI as medium, supplemented with FCS, P/S, ITS and beta-mercaptoethanol. The firts day, the cells are plated in a plate coated with CD3 and CD28; then for each passages I put them the normal 6-wells plates, and I add IL2 and 7 (30U/ml and 0,5ng/ml respectively)
Stefania Pezzana Hey! We usually do this too. RPMI works very good, I also did with Ex vivo medium and it worked pretty well too. How much FBS are you using to supplement your media?
Did you try only with IL-7? Cause IL-2 can also go to Treg cells.
Luísa Lemos No, I didn´t! I´ll try maybe to reduce the concentration. The problem is that I don´t have a "boom of proliferation" (I´m counting the cells with trypan blue).
Maybe there is a problem of concentration...and I was thinking it should be related to the interleukines.
Furthermore, for how long are you able to keep these cells in culture?
We find that magnetic beads purification is often not a pure enough CD4 population, so we cell sort only the naive CD4 T cell population following magnetic enrichment by inclusion of other surface antigens eg CD3, CD25, CD45rb, CD62L ...
I have a small suggestion. Can you use sodium bicarbonate to reduce levels of oxygen radicals in your culture instead of beta-mercaptoethanol. It maybe not a big deal but during my cell culture I often found cells a little unhealthy with use of beta-mercaptoethanol. But in sodium bicarbonate cells were better.