I am trying to purify a multitagged protein in E. coli (used BL21 star, Rossetta BL21(DE3), Turner pLacI). The arrangement is like this: 6X His tag - S-tag -- Thrombin / Enterokinase cut site -->Protein of Interest (11kDa) --> HSV -tag -- 8X HIS tag. In all the host strains protein expression is robust. Most of the protein goes into inclusion bodies, even after induction at 16 deg ranging from 6 hrs - O/N. I use B-PER cell lysis buffer as well as home made phosphate buffer. I use combination of protease Inhibitor cocktails from Roche and Sigma in all buffer, all steps performed at 4 degree.

Purification from Ni-NTA beads is good, happy with that, Coomassie staining as well as the western (anti-protein) is perfect, good band!!!.

The problem arise after 5+ hours. It dose not matter where I store the protein, +4 / -20 / -80 degree, it is gone, It is gone like wind. I can not even see the degration bands on the gel. It is even gone from the boiled sample with loading buffer (kept at +4/-20 degree)

I have tried different buffer storage conditions (base buffer is 20 mM Phosphate buffer pH 7.4):

1. Added 0.1 % BSA in my elution buffer as carrier protein

2. Use 20 % Glycerol

3. combination of 0.1% BSA + 20% Glycerol.

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