I've been trying to ligate a shRNA fragment into pCAMBIA 1305.1 plasmid.
The fragment was ordered from a company in the US. As they provide annealing service, I asked them to anneal my oligos.
I cut my plasmid with BglII and BstEII and then purify it using silica beads and/or GeneJET (Thermo). The purified plasmid wasbthen ligated with the shRNA fragment. However, after several tries I still can not get my plasmid ligated. I am sure about this because transformation to E.coli always fail. I had a positive control (native pCAMBIA1305.1) and negative control (competent cells). Only E. coli transformed with native plasmid were growing. Therefore I think the problem was the ligation of shRNA into the linearized plasmid. I used T4 ligase for ligation.
Please show me a way