Daer all,
I have simulated crop yields in Arcswat. For the resaerch area, I only have the potential crop yield which I think can be acheived only in no water stress and nutrient condition.
However, crop yields are too low. I suppose I should consider following steps to increase crop yield to the potential one:
1-auto irrigation
2-auto fertilization
3-adjusting crop parameters
I have data regarding actual fertilization , but no data about irrigation and no data about actual yield.
my questions are as follows:
1-what are some realistice value for parameters in auto irrigation and auto fertilization?
2-how can I calibrate (adjust) crop parameters such as HI, BLAI, and BIO-E just with potential crop yields in the whole area?
3-the research area is in north of germany. does any body have experience/data/information to share with me in this area?
Thanks for any support and I look forward to hearing your valuable help!