In some phases of life you have to choose between the three? What do you choose? and if you think that you have the right equation using the three components with happiness, please share it with us.
I have opted for knowledge, in addition, I believe that society should choose knowledge as a role model, thinking about new generations. The knowledge offers a wide scope, provides criteria to address important decisions, does not admit shortcuts, requires responsibility and its acquisition is a step-by-step process. If society chose knowledge, the concepts of power and money could be enriched with new attributes. Power could also represent social justice, the common good, fight for the defense of human rights, ... Similarly, money could be an instrument to achieve the equitable distribution of wealth, the fight against poverty, ...
Knowledge is the best weapon in the world. Knowledge is divine , one cannot get knowledge easily as it comes with the experience . knowledge is power which don’t have an end. knowledge which we can help others with sharing it. knowledge were we can earn money. Knowledge which is buried with body , it will be with you to end of your life.
Some of us are lifelong learners, myself included. So if I had more power and money I'd use it substantially for the pursuit of knowledge. So whether I receive all three or just one wouldn't make any difference.
I have opted for knowledge, in addition, I believe that society should choose knowledge as a role model, thinking about new generations. The knowledge offers a wide scope, provides criteria to address important decisions, does not admit shortcuts, requires responsibility and its acquisition is a step-by-step process. If society chose knowledge, the concepts of power and money could be enriched with new attributes. Power could also represent social justice, the common good, fight for the defense of human rights, ... Similarly, money could be an instrument to achieve the equitable distribution of wealth, the fight against poverty, ...
As usual, you are initiating thought-provoking debates. I thank you for that.
It is a catch 22 situation, I am afraid.
Power can give you access to knowledge and will attract money to you.
Knowledge can be exchanged for money and can get you into power.
Money can buy your way into both knowledge and power.
I doubt any scientist on this forum would chose anything else than knowledge or money (i.e. what we have committed our lives to or miss in order to progress further as scientists/ academicians).
Personally, I prefer to have neither.
The discomfort this creates would always make me aim higher and strive to be better. ;)
Yet, one must be properly recognized for the quality of his/ her professional work.
An issue would be to have all three - where do you go from there?
I would choose knowledge. Having power and money without knowledge would eventually result in one losing power and money. However, you could always gain power and money through use of your knowledge.
Thank you for the valuable contribution, using money and power for the pursuit of knowledge is a good, but pursuing knowledge could exhaust your resources and looking for the truth (knowledge) could make you loose power.
Just knowledge. That is all one needs to find the meaning of life, maybe. Power and money complicate things and you forget why you are here on a planet.
Amar Bencherik RE: knowledge could exhaust your resources and looking for the truth (knowledge) could make you loose power."
Knowledge can include the knowledge to use your resources wisely and husband them carefully; seeking knowledge is selective and again can include the knowledge that enables one to attain and maintain power.
I totally agree with you, it is just a way to say that May be knowledge worth spending all the money and losing all the power, because the serenity comes with the truth.
Dear Amar Bencherik ,I feel all three can not be separated, because of changing time and changing conditions, all three can become an inseparable unity in life that can occur at any point in time in our lives. thank you, regards.
We need knowledge to earn money. We need money for knowledge and knowledge for money.If we don't have knowledge how would we earn a good job for money? This is a big question.I say that both things matter knowledge and money.If we don't have money how will we pay the fees of our kids and ourselves.
Am in line with Karl Pfeifer : learning and wisdom are of highest human quality, i.e.
investments into the living human spirit are paramount. Power, money and knowledge are temporary means (tools) to achieve this humanistic state and to eventually contribute to a good life.
Actually there is no choice. Human prefers what is available to him. I saw several people who tried to work in science, but belonging by birth and upbringing to the owners of power. Very quickly they understood where their real place was. Of course, the transition from stratum to stratum is possible, but this is rare. By the way, you have not mentioned publicity (fame) yet. Sometimes it’s more attractive (for actors, for example). But in general, the choice is wrong. Can everything be a package?
In my experience one must search for the balance between power, knowledge and money. In the long run I argue this line of process will lead to happiness. Recently blockchain technologies (smart contract, etc.) has been in the focus to leverage balance, interaction among partners. I did look up the Internet to back up my line of reasoning. Please see the files enclosed. Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
Please exclude knowledge from the list because knowledge can not be compared with money and power. Then you will be able to find a meaningful comparison out of money and power.
The most valuable thing in the world is knowledge. Everything else in our lives, money, health, things, love, they can all come and go. They can all be taken away from us. The one thing that no one can ever take from you once you have acquired it is knowledge.
But I don't think that knowledge will always bring power and money. In some cases this is possible. Still rather often some knowledge of a purely academic nature is not exactly lucrative. Of course, it depends on the field of knowledge. If there is no demand for some knowledge on the market there will be neither money nor power.
Knowledge is very important, power and money will often be acquired in due course by a knowledgeable individual. All three attributes contribute to a satisfying life.
Knowing you could be at the same playing field as your friends, or even above their level... to question the usefulness of your future simply because you can’t attend a university, take a special someone out on a date, or travel to the location you’d like to live in for the rest of your life… to be trapped in the same surroundings doing the same things for the rest of your life… all of these because of the lack of money…
Knowledge is power’ is a popular proverb. It means that knowledge is more powerful than physical strength and no great work can be done without knowledge.
Knowledge is a powerful factor that empowers people achieves great results. The more knowledge a person gains, the more powerful he becomes
Knowledge plays a vital role in every sphere of human life and activity. Knowledge has helped in the advancement and development of civilization and culture. The application of knowledge has led man to the path of progress. We can all benefit from learning new things.
Knowledge is more important than strength and money, so every person must start early to obtain knowledge because it requires a long time. As for strength and money, it comes in the right circumstance and time.
What happens when the one who knows and the one who has the money meet? The one who knows in addition to power gets the money, while the one who had the money leaves without power and money but with new knowledge.