When I run the polarization experiment (Tafel), I use steel as a working electrode (WE) with a surface area = 1 cm2 and the same steel as the counter electrode (CE) with a larger surface area (50 X larger). It is noted that the Ecorr = 586 mV vs SCE.

However, when the potential of WE (steel) moved towards the anodic direction up to -244 mV vs SCE (SCE = 244 mV vs NHE), CE steel was moved towards the cathodic direction as to achieve CE -1010 mV vs SCE. I'm wonder iwhy CE steel was observed not to experience any corrosion effect.

1) Can anyone explain why CE steel does not corrode while it has a high corrosion potential (-1010 mV vs SCE)?

2) Why don't most researchers care about the CE Potential?

3) Is the recorded potential on CE Eo (as stated in Evans diagram)?

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