Hello, everyone! I am having trouble running my syntax for my forest plot. Below is the syntax I have used previously, with the changed data frame for my current analysis. For whatever reason, the syntax runs with no error, but does not actually run: No forest plot generates. Nothing happens. Can something with more experience explain what I am doing wrong or if I am missing something?
forest(mwl.ptsd.raw, sortvar = TE, xlim = c(-1.5,0.5),
rightlabs = c("g","95% CI","weight"),
leftlabs = c("Author","N","Mean","SD","N","Mean","SD"),
lab.e = "Intervention", pooled.totals = FALSE,
smlab = "", text.random = "Overall effect",
print.tau2 = FALSE, col.diamond = "blue",
col.diamond.lines = "black", col.predict = "black",
print.I2.ci = TRUE, digits.sd = 2)