I partly worked on these kinds of arthropods collected from the green house of the tea institution. In my opinion, maybe first you can try the book of Borror and Delong 2005. Then you can search about available keys or experts, if exist. You know I may rather can help you specifically in ID of mites and Collembola.
You can use this pictorial key to the most common and widespread, (sub)cosmopolitan storage pest species of the genus: https://www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/mhk/cgahr/spieru/docs/psocid-id-picture-key/
And the keys of Broadhead (1950) and Mockford (1991).
As you can see in this book (link below), from India are known 4 pest species of the genus: L. entomophila, L. bostrychophila, L. paeta, L. transvaalensis.
In your specimen, abdominal terga 3-4 are with posterior membranous band, and according to its brown color and the size and shape of the eyes, I think you have L. bostrychophila. But check also the rest morphological characters described in the keys (by examination of the specimen under microscope), which can't be assessed in this photo, in order to be sure.
To add that, in Mockford's key (please check link below), one more species, L. albothoracicus, is mentioned as recorded from India, but both this and transvaalensis can be excluded, as they belong to Section I (S1) of species without distinct posterior band in abdominal terga 3-4. So most possibly you have L. bostrychophila, as I mentioned above.