Resilience is the ability of the individual to deal with problems, adapt to change, overcome obstacles or resist the pressure of adverse situations - shock, stress, some kind of traumatic event, etc. - without entering a psychological, emotional or physical outbreak, for finding strategic solutions to face and overcome adversity. In organizations, resilience is about making decisions when one is faced with a context between the tension of the environment and the will to win. These decisions propitiate strategic forces in the person to face adversity.
Within this definition, it is reasonably logical to conclude that the variables to be measured can be many and the interpretation of these variables has broad spectrum. As far as I know, there is no single instrument for this. Variables can be defined in terms of body functions, sweat, blood pressure, heart rate, brain waves, pupil dilation, etc ...
In general, different instruments are required for systematic evaluations in synchronism with pre-determined simulations. This allows to create a map of the evaluated individual that can be interpreted within the definition of resilience.