Dear colleagues,

I try to insert 2 different PCR products (relatively the same size, apprx 3000 bp) to pCR 2.1.TOPO vector. For this purpose I add poly A to each PCR product. Consequently the PCR-poly a product was extracted from a gel and inserted into TOPO vector ( following the protocol, provided by the company)!  For both inserts I got beautiful colonies. Minipreap was performed in parallel (see the attached file). After restriction analysis I found out that the PCR-2-TOPO construct is totally fine, but I do have problem with PCR-1-TOPO constrict. I always get very less plasmid with PCR-1 insert, although after restriction analysis I got bands with the correct size. I try to amplify the plasmid with MIDI preap- without success... I repeated the procedure 2 times- it is always the same!

My question is - what can be wrong with this construct?Why the TOPO Ecoli are not able to amplify it? At the same time, the other construct is totally fine.... the difference between both is only the insert, all the rest is the same....

I would appreciate any suggestions and recommendations!

Best wishes


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