I am isolating plasmid DNA using my own buffers and found the OD 260/280-1.93 and 260/230-2.19 the concentration is also as good as the commercial kit available in market. I have used 15ug/mL RNAse in 50mM Tris +10mMEDTA for re-suspension the bacterial pellet.

Lysis was carried in 200mM NaOH + 1% SDS and finally neutralize in 4.2M Gu-HCl and 0.9M CH3CooK (pH-4.8) and used commercial columns for binding DNA. The columns were washed with 80% EtOL twice and dried as normal protocol and finally the DNA was eluted in 65ul EB. Everything is fine but when I check the quality of DNA on the gel I noticed a little background of DNA smear in each lane. Please view the picture in attachment.

Last two right lanes do not have the smear in lane in which I have used commercial buffers.

Please suggest how to avoid the smear?

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