It is a very common scenario in the scientific field. So please do not worry much because who get idea from your research output and does care to refer to it can not sustain as researcher for long.
I have a feeling that people do steal ideas from others and I have no problem believing your claim.
Given the pressure to publish, the copying of ideas by others is not unthinkable. Do think of plagiarism, which is the copying and passing off by Y of the written words of another say Z. If that happens so often, copying of an idea is possible. That is why we have the idea of patents, and of intellectual property rights, IPR, which is still infringed on by many firms today.
That said, how do you know that they have read your work? It might have come spontaneously to another person , say X, without that person X, actually reading your work. Do you have any concrete irrefutable evidence? You need evidence of a quality that can be presented, for instance, in a court of law. If so, you can contact the publisher of the document that incorporates the idea saying that the author X has copied your idea -- you will need to show that the idea originated with you on a date that i.e., a date earlier than the published date of the copied idea.
You should not give up but pursue with vigour, and assert your intellectual property rights. I am not a lawyer but you should contact lawyers who specialize in IPR particularly if the idea has monetary value.
I agree that we often see how others steal ideas. But I want to draw your attention to the other side of the question. Many do not know how to properly link to your article.
If I do not know how to correctly issue a bibliographic name for an article from the RG, then I write a letter to the author and ask him about it. I recommend that all over the abstract write how correctly to refer to this scientific work. I think it will be useful.
I utterly agree with the opinion of Dr. Viola Vambol on this discussion about contacting the author on better way of citing the paper in case such author did not have better understanding on this.
It is a very common scenario in the scientific field. So please do not worry much because who get idea from your research output and does care to refer to it can not sustain as researcher for long.
The first citation of my first article was cited with a wrong date and since then other citations have being with that wrong date and these are not reflecting as my citations. That means people don't even bother to check the source. May be the initiator did it in error or to do a cover up, who knows. So the problem of citation is everywhere.
Many thanks to all contributors to this unethical trending issue in the research community.
I totally agree with Viola Vambol regarding contacting authors for correct citation or referencing of their work.
More so, there should be massive orientation and sensitization of our colleagues in our different institutions on this unethical trending issue to curb future reoccurrance.
If total matter copied without your name and reference you can expose and legal right with you. Simple downloaded some Idea or lines we are helpless. Here morality plays a rôle.
It seems that some people take information without referring to the primary source. This is another type of plagiarism. One has to be honest when citing information. I have an online publication that got about 3960 downloads and more than 6000 reads, yet, only one citation has been confirmed so far. This publication can be accessed at the following link:
Pertinent discussion. its an issue easily said but full proof solution is not visible. Those who indulge in such practice are originally devoid of any idea and also not honest to contact the original author. unfortunately the number of such kind is on the rice amply supported by some v v ordinary Journals especially in our country. These has become common place and every one must have some story to add. what surprising is that even when you point out some editors ignore it some times because of the person stealing your idea is a friend( I guess) of the editor or a big shot in the field.. I have two cases with me. so that's it!!
Well this is happening from long time people read other papers and Articles to get the idea How and What to write. That’s the Bad luck for Author who’s ideas and Research work is stolen on RG. There are Authors and Researchers who kept their work in safe websites and Readers needs to pay to read their work. Cheaters and People with stealing mentality should be kept away from hard work of others Sad to say it is happening very common now a days. Plagiarism and copying is very common now a-days Ethics Committee should keep record of Black listed people and Researchers And should exchange the Blacklist Data bases so the Thieves would be out all the times. Regards
This is the situation that many researchers are facing. It may be possible that people in research field still not completely aware : How to cite the work of other researchers.
or sometimes it may be possible that many people intentionally do this type of thing.. Its really a kind of where authors can't do anything.
In comparison with several decades ago, the situation you mentioned a simple ethical issue. Before the widespread of the internet and the IT advances, fake researchers used to travel some distant places to get some journal or conference publications. Later, they plagiarise full articles or mix two articles or so without doing any kind of advances. I noted typical cases of both situations.