I am currently working on an enzyme with zinc octahedral coordination. I want to calculate accurate partial charges for the enzymatic pocket in order to enhance docking. we will not be simulating bond formation or breaking. How can I possibly calculate those partial charges and are there parameters other than partial charges i should calculate to enhance docking ?
I did a DFT calculation only for the 6 Zn coordinating residues, minimized the enzyme first, selected the residues, ran DFT using Discovery studio Dmol3 (BLYP, Auto multiplicity, DNP basis set,), COSMOS solvation by chloroform, obtained ESP charges, hirshfeld, mulliken charges. for ex ESP charge for Zn was +1.28 instead of +2 in the forcefield. Is this procedure robust enough to parameterize the forcefield ?
Chloroform has a dielectric constant of 4 (most close to the internal environment of the protein) since the zinc is located in the pocket and its not embedded deep enough, is this correct ?
The enzyme code is 3W0T