Hello everyone,

I attempted to perform an orthogonality assessment on the Eigenmodes subsequent to conducting modal analysis on some structure.

The analysis was conducted using ANSYS 22R1 software. An example of an orthogonality check was performed using APDL commands. The check is deemed successful when the product of [(transpose) Phi M Phi] results in the identity matrix. In this equation, Phi represents the modal matrix of the specified (n) modes, and M denotes the mass matrix.

According to most textbooks, vectors are considered orthogonal when their dot products equal zero. Consequently, the dot product of each mode (vector) with the others in the Phi matrix should yield an identity matrix. I attempted to do the task by employing the

load Phi_MMF.txt

data = zeros(203490,1);

for r=1:203490

data(r,1)=Phi_MMF(r,1); %transforming from MMF form to common matrix form



modes = reshape(data,5814, 35); %the modal matrix of first 35 modes


% Initialize a matrix to store the results

orthogonality_matrix = zeros(35, 35);

% Loop to check orthogonality for all pairs of columns

for i = 1:35

for j = i:35

% Calculate the dot product between column i and column j

dot_product = dot(MODES(:, i),MODES(:, j));

orthogonality_matrix(i, j) = dot_product;



% Display the orthogonality matrix

disp("Orthogonality Matrix:");


I am uncertain about the distinction between two rules and would appreciate insight from any fellow who have encountered the rule [(transpose) Phi M Phi ] as a means of verifying orthogonality in any academic literature.


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