02 February 2017 3 7K Report

So previously i grew cells as a confluent monolayer on transwell insert with pore sizes that prevents migration. Then once the cells are attached, i place a 5mm thick agarose-dmem agar cushion over it followed by compression cup with a certain weight to press down on the cells. I did immunofluorescent staining on this but image wise even with confocal i was having difficulty with getting clear image. So i was thinking of lowering down the complexity of my design.

I intend to just seed the cells on coverslips in a 35mm plate. Once attached, i place an agarose-dmem cushion over it, then the compression cup. The placement of the agarose cushion and cup is to be done 24 hours after seeding and when media has been aspirated out to allow easier placement of these 2 components. After the placement, i will add media to the sides slowly.

Here are potential problems i forsee. Please highlight more if you can see any.

1) if i cant place the agarose cushion in 1 vertical motion that would the surface of coverslip such that i have to make sweeping horizontal adjustments of agarose cushion, i might dislodge the cells or affect the morphology of cell. This might complicate the after compression morphology i want to see.

2) similarly, during removal of agarose cushion, it has to be done carefully such as there is no sweeping motions.  Maybe this has to be done when liquid media has already been aspirated out?

3) will compression itself onto cells attached to coverslips dislodge the cells? I can imagine that adhering onto coverslips is weak.

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