01 January 1970 95 994 Report

This discussion is about a regular, pretty useless, and embarrassing, confusion at RG. If there is no spacetime, special and general relativity do not include time dilation or length contraction, there is no fusion of space and time, and SR and GR do not apply to arbitrary motion. But these things happen, experimentally. Of course, one can use a kind of "inverse Wick rotation", as done in STA and Cl(1,3), but the predictive power reduces.

It is well-known that the `contraction of length´ is real, as is time dilation, both can cross a barrier, and produce thermodynamic work. They are not illusions or apparent, for non-comoving observers. Views to the contrary are a misuse of the resources offered by RG, in detriment of valid opinions.

Space is practically empty. Space and matter are different. Space and time may be 3+1 dimensions, but evidence, empirical and mathematical, point to 4 dimensions, hence treated as fusion -- there is no unique way to separate them. This is well referenced in physics, see below. Philosophy is not physics, it is subjectively defined. As an experience of the self, time is not the same as in nature.

The 3D gimbal suffers a lock on the way to the Moon. The Earth moves, and travels around the Sun. The Sun moves, and circles the Via Lactea. The satellite moves, and passes the Solar system. The galaxies send us their light, billions of years ago.The Big Bang I hear, the CMB I measure, the Hubble flow I sense. In all of that, the constancy of the speed of light in vacuo, the Lorentz transformation, and spacetime, I'd measured. [1-7] Now, what do we understand?

On September 21, 1908 Hermann Minkowski, an already famous mathematician, began his talk at the 80th Assembly of German Natural Scientists and Physicians with the now well-known introduction:

"The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality."

One question has remained. How can one use special relativity to have some kind of union of space and time -- to “fuse” different things, experimentally and theoretically, and as they are even measured in a different way? Or, what does to "fuse" space and time mean?

This discussion attempts to clarify this common question. We are all cooperating (see below *). For example, as we see by attempts to use STA and Clifford(3,1) in special relativity. Also, in the original formulation of special relativity, that does not use the concept of spacetime. Both fail to work, as we see in the literature.

Note that comoving and non-comoving, as well as length contraction and time dilation, are not just words or optical illusions -- what they denote can cross a barrier, can produce thermodynamic work. They define different physics, different truth-conditions, not just different truth values [6]. And they manifest, or not, always in the same conditions. Length contraction and time dilation only exist for non-comoving observers, and do not exist for comoving observers. In cosmology, there is the non-conflicting addition of the Hubble Flow, which allows comoving observers to separate.

In all cases, there is only some sort of union we cannot separate -- or "fusion" -- between space and time. In other words, this "fusion" happens so that there is no unique way to split spacetime into space and time.

Otherwise the experimental data do not fit, the above sentences do not fit, life qua experience does not fit. Such as the experience of gimbal lock, which is well-known in 3D rotations at any speed, but becomes easy to avoid in 4D [7].

Globally, we can separate space and time, as we see, locally we cannot, as we also see. Like separated long wires, fused at a point, spacetime. Maybe even more wires, maybe even more dimensions exist. But, at least, we have a reality of 4D.

No ontological question is possible either, no philosophy (subjective mode) is possible, on what could be painful to one's prior convictions, like PEMDAS in middle school maths, maybe, but plain to see objectively, and forward looking. Not even words are important anymore, by themselves, but also what they mean, what they denote (in linguistics, reference and sense).

One can skip a discussion on existence, and focus on the effects.

This is at least, certainly, scholarly, possible, as a path we can take by following with an IF and entertaing what may happen.

Thus, after the IF, there is no rational discusion possible on the existence of spacetime. We can focus on the effects, using the predicted effects themselves versus observations, to affirm or deny spacetime.

* In this work, we define -- Cooperation: different people, at different times, doing different things, for the same objective. The discussion is just asked to not include ad hominem attacks, they do not advance any argument.

Even those who may seem NOT to cooperate, below, are cooperating. That way, we hope that the space in RG can be seen as more open and welcome for real effects, and where one's creativity can be useful to others.


[1] H. Minkowski. ​ Space and Time: Minkowski's Papers on Relativity​. 2012. Online at: http://rgs.vniims.ru/books/spacetime.pdf

[2] C. P. Burgess. ​ General Relativity: the Notes​. 2009. Online at: http://www.physics.mcmaster.ca/~cburgess/Notes/GRnotes.pdf

[3] While the original but limited formulation of special relativity is still taught at various college-level textbooks, such as

Article Physics: For Scientists and Engineers J. .W. Jewett and R.A. Serway. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. Thomson Brooks/Cole. 2012

[4] In another version of the SR, by Mashhoon, an accelerated observer is in effect replaced — on the basis of the hypothesis of locality — by a continuous infinity of hypothetical momentarily comoving inertial observers. Here, the accelerated observer and the otherwise identical instantaneously comoving inertial observer have the same velocity and position. In SR, two observers comoving are defined as having the same velocity and position. Cited by 36 references, with 14 occurrences of "comoving", Mashhoon paper at arXIv may further his treatment of accelerated motion in SR, and illuminate the use of "comoving" in SR:

at https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.2926

[5] For the spacetime formulation, also this book:

Taylor and Wheeler. Spacetime Physics. . W. H. Freeman and Company. 1966.

[6] "Paraphrasing  one of Frege's examples, if I tell you "I will photograph the Morning Star" or if I tell you "I will photograph the Evening Star"  then, clearly, the two phrases have the same reference (i.e., the planet Venus) but one describes it as the last celestial body to disappear at dawn and the other as the first one to appear at dusk -- thus, they have different senses or meanings."

and following paragraphs, In Ed Gerck, 1998, Technical Report Toward Real-World Models of Trust: Reliance on Received Information

[7] https://www.researchgate.net/post/Is_gimbal_lock_a_proof_at_any_speed_of_an_underlying_4D_spacetime

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