11 Questions 309 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Narasim Ramesh
There seem to be a wide variety of shapes in the biological world . In 2d we have various shapes of leaves. In 3d we have anthills , trees , fruits and animals with different shapes. All of them...
01 February 2018 1,797 18 View
The project intent is highly attractive. Would it be possible to give an example on which the concepts can hang . This will enable non experts in software engineering to follow and appreciate this...
01 April 2017 2,567 0 View
This is an explorative q ,would welcome opinion if it is feasible.The idea is to detect argon plasma in a vacuum chamber by observing its effect on a substance placed outside the view port and...
15 May 2016 8,396 6 View
It is interesting to observe coconut trees which transport water from the ground(?) to fairly large heights .What is the mechanism ? Can we replicate it artificially? .Why should it grow so tall...
02 May 2016 5,519 7 View
It is reported that Groebner basis is a powerful method for new applications in engineering. It would be exciting to learn this method in a matrix formulation and whether it is advantageous...
24 April 2016 4,320 5 View
Big Data analytics seem to provide insights based on large structured and unstructured public data based on which decisions could be made.. There are language related software such as for...
07 March 2016 5,866 4 View
Please see attached text document.
04 December 2014 265 14 View
I would like to use these to illustrate the concept of incoherence in matrices to an electrical engineering class. Thanks.
13 April 2014 8,387 3 View
It seems the present method of evaluating students does not seem appropriate given access to vast knowledge in any field, via internet and search engines like Google. Briely the present system...
01 January 1970 7,255 19 View
It is interesting to understand if there is a definite stage when we can measure consciousness in a human embryo . Is it at moment of conception? or after birth? and how do we measure it? This is...
01 January 1970 1,983 11 View
we think of a point as a spot in an Euclidean plane indicating a position.Intuitively we assign arbitrary framework.The confusion (for me) is when we consider a line segment.It is made of infinite...
01 January 1970 746 6 View