Hello, Do you know where I can find any critics on ecotoxicological studies which are focused on exposure aquatic organism to drugs? I am looking for papers that critic actual exposure concentration of drugs.
Here is parts of our research of PPCPs risk assessment in surface water of China:
Na Liu, Xiaowei Jin*, Chenglian Feng, Zijian Wang, Fengchang Wu, Andrew C. Johnson, Hongxia Xiao, Henner Hollert, John P. Giesy. 2019. Ecological risk assessment of fifty Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Chinese surface waters: A proposed multiple-level system. Environment International , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105454.
Article Ecological risk assessment of fifty Pharmaceuticals and Pers...
It can be a common problem in many studies (not just pharmaceuticals) that speaks to the reliability of the data. Clearly, confirmed exposure to the test substance greatly enhances the reliability and usability of the data. However, depending on the application of the information you could consider other physchem and environmental fate data to determine how likely the substance would be stable in the specific test system. For a good discussion of the reliability and relevance issues take a look at the output of a recent SETAC Pellston Workshop:-