Hello, I have been using Chemidoc XRS+ for Western Blotting the last three months (I am new at this), and sometimes I have got a strange issue. After doing all the steps and placing the PVDF membrane into the Chemidoc, the camera does not reveal anything, just as if nothing had been placed inside the device (picture attached). I make use of the next protocol: After electrophoretic separation of my sample proteins, I tranfer them to a PVDF membrane by using Trans-Blot® Turbo™ Transfer System. Then, I block it for 1 hour at room temperature with PBS-Tween 0,5% and incubate it overnight at 4°C with the primary antibody. Next I do is wash 5 times with PBS-Tween 0,05% (10 minutes each time), incubate for 2 hours with the secondary antibody at room temperature, and wash 5 time again with PBS-Tween 0,05%. Finally, I pour the Western Lightning Plus-ECL, Enhanced Chemiluminescence Substrate (PerkinElmer) and, after 3-5 minutes, I drain it and reveal the membrane with the ChemiDoc system. Does anyone know about this? I have been working with this protoco for the last month, and I hadn't had problems until now. Thank you very much.

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