dear scholars!

I am writing multiple UMAT subroutine for progressive damage modelling of a composite pipe by ply discount method. When in my Abaqus modeling, I option the NLGEOM off, my job is running without any error. but when NLGEOM is on, I have this error "too many attempts made for this increment ..."

Is it necessary for choices on NLGEOM in modeling of progressive damage??

I option NLGEOM on in my model and then use 'Automatic stabilization: specify dissipated energy fraction 0.0002 and '. after submit it and running ......

I have this error " time increment required is less than the minimum specified the analysis....." . for fix this error, I change minimum increment size in step module to 1e-10. but again I have the same error"time increment required is less than the minimum specified the analysis....". I reduce this value to 1e-16 and my job start to running without any error. but my run time is tooooooooooooooooooooo long!!!!

How can I fix this?

can you help me please??!

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