
I would like your comments/suggestions for my strategy.

I have F0 samples with two different phenotype. I have F2 samples with unknown phenotype. I would like to create a library with homozygous F0 genotypes.

Then i would like to genotype my F2 samples using this previously created library.

I already pre-processed BAM files (I have all raw data if required) : bowtie2 and samtools.

STRATEGY: 1) Create genotype library with F0 samples:

  • GATK HaplotypeCaller for both F0 phenotype samples : java -Xmx30g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK_3-8.jar -nct 16 -T HaplotypeCaller -R GENOME --emitRefConfidence GVCF -I INPUT.bam -o OUTPUT.g.vcf
  • Merge the results: java -Xmx16g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK_3-8.jar -nt 16 -T GenotypeGVCFs -R GENOME --variant F0Variant1.g.vcf --variant F0Variant2.g.vcf -o Results_Merge_F0.vcf
  • then i used a homemade script to select only position with homozygous genotype and different genotype between both F0 phenotype samples (like 1/1 for a F0 sample and 0/0 for the other one): Results_Merge_F0_filtered.vcf

2) Genotype F2 sample with the library:

  • GATK HaplotypeCaller : java -Xmx30g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK_3-8.jar -nct 16 -T HaplotypeCaller -R GENOME --emitRefConfidence GVCF -I INPUT.bam -o OUTPUT.g.vcf -L Results_Merge_F0_filtered.vcf
  • then i used a homemade script to identify genotype related to one (or the other) F0 phenotype.

BUUUUUUT ... At this last step i mostly got homozygous SNP for my F2 samples... I should get around 25% phenotype1 -- 25% phenotype2 -- 50% phenotype 1/2 I miss something but I don't know where.

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