Recent trends in peace education emphasize a holistic and inclusive approach, integrating digital technologies, intersectionality, and sustainability to address contemporary conflicts and societal needs. Digital peace education leverages online platforms, virtual reality, and e-learning to broaden accessibility. There's a significant focus on intersectionality, understanding how race, gender, and class intersect with peace and conflict. Environmental peacebuilding links ecological sustainability with conflict resolution, highlighting the impact of environmental issues on peace. Restorative practices, emphasizing reconciliation and healing, are increasingly adopted in educational settings. Global Citizenship Education (GCED) fosters global responsibility and solidarity, while critical peace education encourages examining the root causes of violence and power structures. Social and emotional learning (SEL) supports emotional regulation and empathy, crucial for conflict resolution. Youth-led peace initiatives empower young people to spearhead peace efforts, and trauma-informed education ensures supportive environments for those affected by conflict. Finally, the integration of peace education into mainstream curricula promotes a culture of peace across educational experiences, supported by NGOs and policy initiatives at various levels.

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