This research has been conducted under qualitative research methodology. The research has been done based on the problem of whether Buddhist teachings can be applied for global peace. The aim of this research is to show that global peace is based only on a philosophical change of mind in individuals. Man in the modern world tends to explore various kinds of philosophical paradigms and develops his mind by absorbing the essence of those philosophies. Buddhist philosophy is based on nonviolence and is considered one of the greatest peaceful 2.7. 114 Edited by Dr. Ven. Kahawatte Siri Sumedha Thero & Dr. Ven. Bhikṣuṇī TN Gioi Huong philosophies in the world. Buddha advocated for his followers to spread compassion all over the world and was exemplary in spreading kindness even to microorganisms. According to the Buddha’s teaching, we should spread loving-kindness to every being like a mother who loves her only son unconditionally. The Buddha showed the nature of the unenlightened person’s mind and admonished that people got angry because of being insulted and defeated by others. Because of our unending desires, we are attached to all the material and nonmaterial things in the world and become spoiled due to the evil nature of our minds. Therefore, Buddhism emphasizes that peace is the only way to tranquilize our minds. Equanimity is one of the greatest teachings in Buddhism, and it never discriminates against people based on their religion and caste. Buddha characterized people based on their moral conduct. A man is finally judged by his moral conduct, whatever physical characteristics he possesses. Accordingly, the only solution to establish global peace in the world is to bring about philosophical changes in the mind. Buddha prescribed many practical methods to eradicate angriness, vengeance, greediness, and encouraged his followers to maintain healthy relationships with others. Those teachings are useful for developing generosity, peace, and compassion. In conclusion, the above-mentioned Buddha’s teachings can be applied to build a peaceful society.

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