I have transducted a cell line (TGBC2) with lentivirus with different shRNA sequences and controls. My controls were scramble and empty. The backbone is pLKO.1-puro. If it were just the shRNAs and controls it would be okay, 3/5 shRNA sequences show 80% reduction relative to control or more of the protein (GPC1), so that's good. The problem is that when comparing the empty and scramble to the WT they show almost 3 times less protein expression than the WT. I have no idea why this could be. I don't know if this could be because of the backbone or maybe the transduction process itself. For the scramble MAYBE it could be related to some unknown off-target but for the empty vector I have no explanation. The cells didn't look to be contaminated and grew as they always did but I can't completelly discard that theory. What could be causing this?