I would also check for Verrucariaceae and for (damp) Acarospora for the first and second one. The photobiont is the first character that will distinguish these from Lichinales but for that you need to look at them closely. Dimelaena is grey to light usnic grey, a very different color.
The first shows Peltula euploca (bigger, lobate squamules with sorediate margin, mostly left hand side) and another Peltula (squam. pale olive, 1 apothecium, center). Uncertain what species, maybe usually epruinose P. umbilicata.
The second picture shows Peltula impressa.
The third one comes close to Peltula auriculata, but this also needs carefull inspection. Check for ear-shaped apendices on the squamule margins. The Peltula is surrounded by a crustose Lichinaceae (blackish).