Here is my usual protocol for native page:

Separating gel buffer contained 8% acrylamide (aa:bis30%:0.8%) in 1.5 M acetate-KOH (pH 4.5), plus 70 μl 10% ammonium persulfate (APS) and 2.5 μl N,N,N,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) per gel (5 ml) to start polymerization.

The stacking gel contained 3% acrylamide, 0.25 M acetate-KOH (pH 6.5), 20% glycerol, and 30 μl 10%APSand5μl TEMED per gel (2.5 ml) to start polymerization.

The running buffer contained 0.35 M β-alanine, and 0.14 M acetic acid(pH 4.5).

I don't have beta-alanine right now. Can I substitute it with 6 amino hexanoic acid?

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