I am trying to conjugate some compounds having -COOH groups with my MNPs, using EDC_NHS coupling reaction but I am not getting the peaks around 1700 cm-1 for free -cooh groups on MNPs. I used MES buffer for EDC and NHS activation at pH 6, and later raised the pH with PBS to ~ 7. My particles get dissolved at pH 8 in

CO3--/HCO3- buffer and I can not separate them. The pKa of -NH2 group of amino acids are near 9, so at pH7 that I am using for coupling they must be positively charged. My question is how can I couple the -COOH group effectively to my MNPs? I can not go beyond 7 pH, and at >8 the EDC ester would be very unstable also. Thanks in advance for kind suggestions.

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