12 September 2022 4 4K Report

Dear all,

I am conducting a multiple-group path analysis (with observed variables) using AMOS. The unconstrained model reveals that several paths coefficient were different according to p values.

When I compare the fully constrained model to the unconstrained model, chi-square differences were insignificant. However, when I compare the models by constraining only one path at a time, I have various variant path coefficients (significant chi-square change).

Should I assume that the model is invariant based on the comparison between fully unconstrained and fully constrained models? Or, should I use the "one path at a time approach" to decide and freely estimate all variant paths? So, I would like to have your opinion on the best approach.

Ps: Although the chi-square did not change, the CFI decreased in the constrained model. Could it be a reason to examine specific path variances?




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