A colleague of mine and I are trying to reproduce an example (and we are stuck) from the following paper:

Haobo Ren , Xiao-Hua Zhou & Hua Liang (2004): A Flexible Method for Estimating the ROC Curve, Journal of Applied Statistics, 31:7, 773-784

Here the author argues that it is possible to consistently estimate a robust ROC curve using a mixed effect model. At a certain point the author states that the procedure is easy with a S-PLUS function for mixed effect model - although we are using R, whit the lme function. It seems that the author used the random effect without stating a cluster or grouping information. However, we are kind of banging our heads around for a while as it does not make much sense for us not having a "grouping" variable.

The author states that the model expression is something similar to:

Rempi = X*Beta + Z*b + e

where in our example ...


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