15 February 2021 4 1K Report

Hi everyone, I'm having some questions about choosing the right test for my experiment and I hope I can find help here!

Here are the settings of the experiment:

1. participants are randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group.

2. then both groups undergo two sessions of treatment (either the experimental treatment or the control treatment).

3. Outcome variables (all continuous) are measured twice: after session 1 and after session 2.

My research questions:

RQ1: whether the outcomes are better for the experimental group than the control groups? (so the main effect of groups)

RQ2: whether there are changes over the two sessions, and whether the change is different for both groups? (so the main effect of time and the interaction between time and group)

I first opted for a mixed ANOVA since this is a simple between-within subject design. But I also read that multilevel/mixed modeling is generally preferred. I don't see what can be a random effect in this design as well (please correct me if there is a random effect!)

Hence, which one should I choose for my work?

Thanks a lot!!

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