When you are using ddPCR to detect singe point mutations (eg: T>G), and the DNA concentrations of the samples are very low, which probe do you think is better? MGB or LNA?
Hi, for those who are interested in this question, you can have a look at this paper: Mol Cell Probes. 2003 Dec;17(6):307-11. It seems that both MGB and LNA probes work well, but does anyone know why LNA probes is more expensive?
Both works, but the annealing temperatures of LNAs cannot really be calculated. I would start with an MGB and test it. If it doesn't work you still can include an LNA-base within the MGB-probe. MGB costs around 300-500€ per Oligo, LNAs start at 200€, anyway it's expensive, and I would prefer to start with an MGB since the annealing temperature is more predictable. Both are great solutions for e.g. GC-rich regions where you are very limited with the length of the probe.